Textual details
Textual details

What is the relationship of a section of a text to the text's setting, character, plot, conflict, point of view, thematic idea, or other literary elements? What is the organizing principle in a section of text that makes it a cohesive unit? How does a poem's rhythm and/or rhyme contribute to its structure? How does a text's organization and arrangement of ideas and details in lines, stanzas, sentences, paragraphs, chapters, or other sections of text contribute to a text's structure? What is the relationship between a particular sequence of events and a text's structure as a whole? 3.C: Explain the function of structure in a text.

textual details

How does a particular sequence of events and the manner in which a text presents those events to a reader affect a reader's experience with the text? How does a particular sequence of events affect the presentation and/or development of characters and conflict? Which plot event(s) seems to break an established chronological sequence, and where does this event fit into the chronology of other events? 3.B: Explain the function of a particular sequence of events in a plot. To what degree does a plot's ordering of events reflect a chronological sequence? What is the relationship between the society or culture of a setting and a character (e.g., what is the character's role in the society/culture, to what degree is a character accepted by his or her society/ culture, to what degree does the society/ culture esteem a character)? 3.A: Identify and describe how plot orders events in a narrative. What is the relationship between a setting's historical time period and a character? What is the relationship between the aspects (e.g., location, time of day, geography) of a setting and a character? How do a text's various settings contribute to meaning and its overall effect? 2.C: Describe the relationship between a character and a setting. How does a setting affect readers of that text? What are the relationships between a text's setting and other literary elements? How do details in a text convey or reveal one or more aspects of a setting (e.g., location, time of day, year, season, geography, culture)? 2.B: Explain the function of setting in a narrative. How do a character's contradictory or inconsistent traits contribute to meaning in a text? 2.A: Identify and describe specific textual details that convey or reveal a setting. How do a character's contradictory or inconsistent traits contribute to a reader's understanding of the character's complexity? How do diction and the details that a narrator or speaker offers (or does not offer) convey a particular perspective, ambiguity, and/or inconsistency and convey nuances and complexities in character relationships? 1.E: Explain how a character's own choices, actions, and speech reveal complexities in that character, and explain the function of those complexities Which of a character's choices, actions, and/or speech seem contradictory or inconsistent?

textual details

How do images, character speech, and other textual details reveal how characters interact? Which particular images, character speech, and textual details are relevant for examining character's relationships? How does considering the significance of a contrast between characters contribute to meaning in the text? 1.D: Describe how textual details reveal nuances and complexities in character's relationships with one another. What do the differing traits between characters reveal about them individually, their relationships with one another, and their relationships with other characters? How do comparable traits of two or more characters contrast? How does a character's changing or remaining unchanged affect other elements of the literary work and/or contribute to meaning of the work as a whole? 1.C: Explain the function of contrasting characters. To what degree does a character's changing constitute progress or decline? To what degree does the text convey empathy for those characters who change or for those who remain unchanged? What are the comparable traits of a character before and after he or she changes?

textual details

What provekes a character to change or remain unchanged? What drives the character to think, feel, and/or act in the manner he or she does? 1.B: Explain the function of a character changing or remaining unchanged. Which aspects of a character perceives his or her world? How is a character described physically, emotionally, and/or psychologically? Which words, phrases, and details contribute to a character's characterization? 1.A: Identify and describe what specific textual details reveal about a character, that character's perspective, and that character's motives. Skill Category 7 Develop textually substantiated arguments about interpretations of parts or all of a text. Skill Category 6 Explain the function of comparison. Skill Category 5 Explain the function of word choice, imagery, and symbols.

Textual details