Deep blue shark scene
Deep blue shark scene

'During the circles we realised just how big she was - she must have been something like seven metres long. She was very interested and was looking at us. 'She was very calm and not at all nervous and was circling us. We realised almost immediately that she was very big. 'All of a sudden out of the deep blue, there she came. When we entered the water we had to wait because there was nothing to see. Mr Maier, 48, said: 'Deep Blue is a very large female shark and she is known to be found in Mexico. German tourist Michael Maier also described filming the predator during a 2014 trip to Mexico. Great whites, the largest predatory fish on earth, typically grow to 15 feet in length, with some, like Deep Blue, exceeding 20 feet in length and weighing up to 5,000 pounds, according to National Geographic. The massive predator was also featured back in 2014 in a Shark Week documentary, when researchers tagged the gigantic fish. The video shows the enormous apex predator swimming near researchers in steel cages, with one bold enough to be swimming outside the protection of the protective metal bars. 'If you asked me right now, it would be freediving with, interacting with and photographing not one but multiple, different great whites AND Deep Blue.' 'If you asked me yesterday the answer would be freediving with Deep Blue, a great white, the largest ever documented, who was last seen in 2013 in Mexico. 'I hope my conservation images like this help people to question their perceptions and realize the beauty, and importance of sharks and I hope that they inspire the kind of compassion and connection we need to have with nature and sharks, to help protect them and coexist alongside them.'Īnother diver who swam with Deep Blue. Kimberly Jeffries, wrote: 'If you asked me a few days ago what the most amazing thing I've ever seen in Hawaiian waters the answer probably would be pretty different.

deep blue shark scene

Posting on Instagram shortly after the swim, Oliphant wrote: 'Face to face with the worlds largest great white ever recorded 'Deep Blue' with still in shock that we spent almost the whole day with this amazing animal in my backyard.

deep blue shark scene deep blue shark scene

Remarkable photos shot by Oliphant show him and Ramsey swimming right next to the enormous predator. In the video, the gargantuan creature swam up to the crew's dive cage and poked around curiously before disappearing back into the blue.Deep Blue is thought to be around 20ft long according to scientists who have previously encountered the predator, around the same height as a fully-grown giraffe

deep blue shark scene

Mauricio Hoyos Padilla, a shark conservationist working for Discovery's "Shark Week," shot jaw-dropping footage of the massive creature off Mexico's Guadalupe Island in 2013. It's thought that she could be more than 50 years old. Her name is Deep Blue and, at an estimated 20 feet long and possibly still growing, she's widely considered to be among the largest great white sharks ever caught on camera. LOS ANGELES - The average great white shark clocks in between 11 and 15 feet long, but one great white spotted just a few times in recent years blows her brothers and sisters out of the water. Deep Blue, a 20-foot great white shark spotted off the coast of Guadalupe Island, is widely considered to be among the biggest great white sharks ever filmed.

Deep blue shark scene